Fars Agriculture and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Aliabad Branch, is located in the southeast of Aliabad Kamin in Pasargad County. This unit was built between 1960 to 1966 based on a contract between the governments of Iran and Germany. Its primary purpose was to train villagers in practical two-year courses and train skilled agricultural workers in order to provide skilled manpower in order to change the agricultural infrastructure from traditional to mechanized.
Currently, this unit is active in the fields of formal and informal (training of users and managers) education as well as the production of agricultural and livestock products. Its current area is about 1020 hectares, of which about 350 hectares can be cultivated and the rest includes mountains, rangelands, salty land, forest, buildings, etc. This unit, which is one of the largest agricultural training centers in the country, is located 110 km northeast of Shiraz (Shiraz-Isfahan road).
Aliabadkamin Agricultural Education Unit
Aliabad Kamin, Pasargad, Fars, Iran
Phone & Fax: +98 71 43585151-2